Why you can trust businesses on Wildgrid

Why you can trust businesses on Wildgrid

All businesses on Wildgrid's green business directory are pre-screened to ensure they'll provide you with a high-quality experience.
By Wildgrid Team ·
The first 200 signups get $200 off a smart energy upgrade of their choice.

The first 200 signups get $200 off a smart energy upgrade of their choice.

Try out the new Wildgrid Home! The first 200 signups get $200 off a smart energy upgrade of their choice.
By Wildgrid Team ·
Introducing the new Wildgrid!

Introducing the new Wildgrid!

Wildgrid is a planning tool that demystifies the home electrification process. Homeowners and renters can create a roadmap & budget for tackling various smart energy upgrades (solar, heat pumps, electric vehicles) all in one place.
By Wildgrid Team ·
1 Terawatt Solar Milestone

1 Terawatt Solar Milestone

Did humans just achieve a solar milestone? Humans have officially installed enough solar panels to generate 1 terawatt of electricity. 🤯 Now, you might be wondering, “tera-what?” Dad jokes aside, a terawatt is one trillion watts, and the term is often used to describe reaaally big amounts of energy. For example, the entire energy consumption of all humans is roughly 17.7 terawatts. According to predictions, dozens of terawatts of solar capacity will be needed to decarbonize the earth’s elec
By Wildgrid Team ·
Target's First Solar Powered Store

Target's First Solar Powered Store

Target’s tagline “Expect more. Pay Less.” has taken on an entirely new meaning with one of its location’s newest changes – a Target in California has succeeded at becoming fully solar. 🎉 Target just unveiled its first net-zero energy store: it is located in Vista, California with 1800 carport solar panels and 1,620 rooftop panels. They also installed more than 1300 LED lights, which will cut about 10% of Target’s total energy bill. At Wildgrid we are very excited to see this type of implement
By Wildgrid Team ·
A man with a disappointed face.

Why Was I Rejected From A Community Solar Farm?

It's nothing personal, we promise! You were excited to go solar, matched with a community solar farm... and then, were rejected. Why couldn't you sign up? Here are a few reasons why this may have happened: 1. The solar farm filled up too quickly! Someone else beat you to the last open spot. 2. Your electricity usage was higher than the amount of space they had left on the farm. Don't worry, we've got more matches for ya. Log back into Wildgrid and subscribe to another available farm. H
By Wildgrid Team ·
An apartment building

How Can Apartment Renters Go Solar?

Renting an apartment can make solar feel out of reach, but what if we told you solar for renters was possible - with or without a renewable-friendly landlord? (Really!) Let's talk about the ways that apartment renters can go solar. Option #1: Convince your landlord Sure, it may seem like an impossible task, but apartment renters can go (and have gone!) solar by convincing their landlords to adopt solar! As we explained in our How to go solar, 5 ways post, both residential and commercial sola
By Wildgrid Team ·
Back to the Future gif.

What's The Science Behind Solar Panels?

The short answer: Solar panels are made up of silicon solar cells that create electricity when sunlight hits them. The long answer: Here are 5 things to know about how solar panels work. 1: Solar cells are made of silicon * Solar cells are those blue or black squares you see inside a solar panel. * The same material that computer chips are made of (think "Silicon Valley") * Silicon, not silicone :) 2: There are 2 main types of solar cells * Polycrystalline: This means the solar cel
By Wildgrid Team ·
Raised hand.

How Do I Actually "Go Solar"?

Have you made it to page 15 of Google’s “how to go solar” results and still feel overwhelmed? Don’t worry - we’ve all been there. Luckily, solar isn’t as intimidating as it seems and there are so many different ways to go solar. (Spoiler alert: they don’t even all include solar panel installation!) Let us show you how to go solar, 5 ways! Whether you own a home, rent an apartment, or live on a sailboat... you can go solar. Here's how: Option #1: Residential Solar If you conjure an image of
By Wildgrid Team ·
A battery.

How Does Solar Battery Storage Work?

Imagine: you’ve installed solar. You’ve had a run of gorgeous, sunny days outside and everything’s been working perfectly. Suddenly, a week of stormy, cloudy spring days rolls through. There’s not enough sun to power your solar array. Enter: solar battery storage. The short and sweet version of this story is that solar batteries store the excess power generated from extra-sunny days to be used during those not-so-sunny days. Want to know more? Let’s dig in. What’s a solar battery? Solar ba
By Wildgrid Team ·
Solar panels on a roof.

How Do I Get Solar Quotes Without Spam?

We here at Wildgrid are firmly anti-spam and realize the process of getting solar quotes needs a major overhaul. The solar process is stale - let's freshen it up together!
By Wildgrid Team ·
An older woman in sunglasses and sweater fanning herself with a stack of money.

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?

So you’ve decided to go solar - great! The obvious question is how much do home solar panels cost? The unfulfilling but totally true answer is: it depends. How much home solar panels cost depends on many factors, like your state's solar incentives, your electricity usage, solar components, loan or lease length, etc. Luckily there are options for different budgets. Even better news: you don't need an extra $20,000 lying around to go solar. Getting started The first step in answering how much
By Wildgrid Team ·

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