A worker install a solar panel on a rooftop.

How Does Rooftop Solar work?

The short answer: Solar panels get installed on your roof (or ground mounted in your yard). They generate clean energy & your electricity bill goes bye bye!‍ The long answer: Here are 6 things to know about rooftop solar. 1: There are several payment options. * There are typically 4 ways you can pay for solar panels: pay in cash, get a loan, get a lease, or sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). * We wrote a whole post breaking these down for you here. 2: You qualify for a federal tax
By Wildgrid Team ·
Krystal Persaud and Parinda Darden

How did Wildgrid start?

Wildgrid was created by Krystal Persaud and Parinda Darden. Their story started in 2020 when Parinda bought her first home. After years of living in apartments, she was excited to finally get solar panels. She did a little research online, but moments later was bombarded with spam calls and emails from solar companies she had never even heard of! Ack! Parinda needed help so she called Krystal, an old friend and former roommate. Krystal was the only solar expert she knew she could trust. In 2019
By Wildgrid Team ·
Utility meter boxes

How Does Net Metering Work?

The short answer: In some states, if you generate more power than you use, your utility company will pay YOU. This is called "net-metering".‍ The long answer: Here are 5 important things to know about net metering. 1: Your utility company will pay you. * Sound too good to be true? It's not. * When your solar installation is installed, you'll get a special two-way electric meter that monitors electricity produced versus consumed. * If your solar installation produces more electricity tha
By Wildgrid Team ·

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